
Nofollow Link

A nofollow link is a hyperlink that contains a rel=”nofollow” attribute within its HTML code. This attribute instructs search engines not to follow the link and, consequently, not to pass any link equity, also known as link juice, to the linked website.

Usage in SEO:

Nofollow links are an essential part of a website’s backlink profile and are used for various reasons within SEO practice. They are primarily applied in scenarios where a webmaster wishes to link to another page without endorsing it, such as user-generated content or paid links. By marking a link as nofollow, website owners can distance themselves from content they don’t vouch for, reducing the risk of being penalized for low-quality or spammy external content.

Impact on ranking:

Initially, nofollow links provided a means to combat spam and manipulate PageRank. While they don’t contribute directly to a website’s search rankings, their presence can lead to indirect SEO benefits. When the nofollow attribute is applied, it signals to search engines that the linking page is not directly influencing the ranking of the external site. However, nofollow links can still provide value by generating referral traffic and serving as a discovery channel for search engine crawlers, potentially leading to increased visibility and subsequent organic links that do pass equity.

To create a nofollow link, the rel=”nofollow” attribute must be added to the anchor tag in the HTML code of the webpage. For example:

Link Text

Best practices:

SEO professionals should deploy nofollow links when linking to untrusted content, in compliance with search engine guidelines, or when the integrity of the link cannot be fully ascertained. It is also recommended to use nofollow for links that are part of advertisements, sponsorship deals, or any arrangement where the link was acquired in exchange for compensation as a means of adhering to transparent link schemes.


It is important to note that search engines, such as Google, have updated how they handle nofollow links over time. As search algorithms have become more sophisticated, the role of nofollow links continues to evolve. Understanding the latest developments and guidelines from search engines is critical in maintaining effective and current SEO strategies regarding the use of nofollow links.


Do nofollow links impact search engine rankings?

While nofollow links don't directly contribute to a website's search rankings, they can still provide indirect SEO benefits. They help generate referral traffic and can act as a discovery channel for search engine crawlers, potentially leading to increased visibility and organic links that do pass equity.

How can I implement a nofollow link on my website?

To create a nofollow link, simply add the rel="nofollow" attribute to the anchor tag in the HTML code of the webpage. This tells search engines not to follow the link and not to pass any link equity to the linked website. It is important to use nofollow links in scenarios where endorsing the content is not desired or when dealing with untrusted content.

Why are nofollow links important in SEO?

Nofollow links are essential for webmasters to distance themselves from potentially harmful or low-quality content, reducing the risk of penalization. They prevent search engines from passing link equity to the linked website, affecting its search rankings.

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