

The X-Robots-Tag is an HTTP header element used by webmasters and SEO professionals to control how search engines crawl and index the content of a website. Unlike the robots meta tag which is placed in the HTML of a page, the X-Robots-Tag can be applied to any file type through the HTTP response server header. This includes non-HTML files like PDFs, images, or any other type of document that doesn’t support the inclusion of meta tags.


To utilize the X-Robots-Tag, you must have access to your web server configuration or the ability to set HTTP headers through server-side scripting. Once you’ve established access, you can use the tag to apply directives such as “noindex,” “nofollow,” “nosnippet,” “noarchive,” “max-snippet:[number],” “max-image-preview:[setting],” and “max-video-preview:[number],” among others, to instruct search engine bots on how to handle the content found at the specified URL.


  • X-Robots-Tag: ‘noindex‘ – To prevent a PDF file from being indexed by search engines:`
  • X-Robots-Tag: ‘nofollow’ – To prevent all search engine bots from following links in a document:
  • X-Robots-Tag: ‘noarchive’ – To prevent a specified image or video from being archived
  • X-Robots-Tag: ‘max-snippet:50’ – To specify that a preview snippet should not exceed a certain number of characters
  • X-Robots-Tag: ‘noindex, nofollow’ – These directives can be combined if multiple behaviors are desired 

Impact on SEO:

Implementing the X-Robots-Tag correctly can significantly impact a website’s SEO by providing precise control over how search engines interact with content. It helps ensure that only desired content is indexed, preventing search engines from displaying unwanted content in search results or wasting crawl budget on non-essential pages. Conversely, incorrect usage can lead to accidentally blocking important content from search engines, which can negatively affect a site’s visibility and organic traffic.


  • Always verify the syntax and directives used in the X-Robots-Tag header, as errors can inadvertently block search engines from accessing important content.
  • Use this tag in conjunction with an XML sitemap to give search engines clear signals about the preferred handling of your content.
  • Regularly review and update the X-Robots-Tag directives to align with changes in content strategy or search engine guidelines.


How does the X-Robots-Tag differ from the robots meta tag?

The X-Robots-Tag is an HTTP header element that can be applied to any file type through the HTTP response server header, allowing control over search engine crawling and indexing beyond HTML pages. In contrast, the robots meta tag is placed within the HTML of a page and is limited to influencing search engine behavior on that specific page.

What impact can incorrect usage of the X-Robots-Tag have on SEO?

Incorrect usage of the X-Robots-Tag can lead to unintended consequences such as blocking important content from search engines, which can result in decreased visibility and organic traffic for a website. It is crucial to verify the syntax and directives used in the X-Robots-Tag to prevent such detrimental effects.

How can webmasters effectively utilize the X-Robots-Tag for SEO benefits?

Webmasters can leverage the X-Robots-Tag to provide precise instructions to search engine bots on how to handle various types of content on their website. By using directives like noindex, nofollow, and others, webmasters can control indexing, crawling, and display of content, ultimately optimizing their websites SEO performance.

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