
NoArchive Tag

The NoArchive tag is an HTML meta tag that can be added to the head section of a web page to instruct search engines not to store a cached copy of that page. When this tag is included, users will not see a ‘Cached’ link in search engine results, which they might usually click on to view the content of the page as it appeared when the search engine last indexed it. 


Implementing the NoArchive tag is particularly useful for web pages that contain time-sensitive information or for website owners who want to ensure that their latest content is what users see, without serving outdated versions from a search engine’s cache. It is also applied to protect proprietary information or prevent the display of potentially outdated pricing information, applications with frequently changing content, or sensitive pages where displaying a past version of the page might be misleading or cause privacy concerns.


To add a NoArchive tag to a web page, the following line of code should be placed within the <head> section of the HTML document:

Search engines that acknowledge this directive will follow the command not to show a cached link in their search results. However, it’s important to note that not all search engines may respect this tag, and some might still display a cached version despite its presence.


Before implementing the NoArchive tag, website owners should be mindful that removing the cached version of a page from search engines might impact the user experience. In cases where a website is temporarily down, the cached version can still provide users with access to the content. The absence of a cached page might lead to a loss of traffic if the live page is unavailable. Additionally, the NoArchive tag could impede the ability for users to verify the historical information or content of a web page.

SEO professionals utilizing the NoArchive tag should consider the balance between the desire for content control and the potential loss of beneficial features provided by search engine caching. The decision to use the NoArchive tag should be aligned with the overall SEO strategy and content governance policies of the website.

Inclusion of the NoArchive tag is a technical SEO decision that should be tailored to a site’s specific needs and goals. As with any directive intended for search engines, it’s vital to ensure that its use supports the desired outcomes for the visibility and accessibility of the web content in question.


What considerations should SEO professionals take into account when using the NoArchive tag?

SEO professionals should consider the potential impact on user experience, traffic, and content verification when using the NoArchive tag. It is important to align its usage with the overall SEO strategy and content governance policies of the website to achieve desired outcomes.

What is the purpose of using the NoArchive tag in SEO?

The NoArchive tag is used in SEO to instruct search engines not to store a cached copy of a web page, ensuring that users do not view outdated versions of the content.

Why might website owners consider implementing the NoArchive tag?

Website owners may choose to use the NoArchive tag to protect time-sensitive or proprietary information, prevent outdated content from being served from a search engines cache, or maintain control over the content displayed to users in search results.

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