
Meta Robots Tag

The is an element of HTML code placed within the head section of a web page. It provides search engines with directives on how to crawl or index parts of a website. The Meta Robots Tag is a critical component for managing the visibility of web content in search engine results pages (SERPs).


Instructing search engine bots on whether to follow links, index a page, or cache a page is the main role of the Meta Robots Tag. The tag supports several values, such as “index,” “noindex,” “follow,” “nofollow,” “noarchive,” “nosnippet,” “nocache,” “noimageindex,” and “none,” which can be combined to create specific guidelines for search engines.

Best practices:

  • Use “index, follow” to allow search engines to index a page and follow the links on it. This is the default behavior even if no Meta Robots Tag is present.
  • Utilize “noindex, follow” to prevent a page from being included in search results while still allowing the search engine to follow links from that page.
  • Apply “noindex, nofollow” to a page that should not be indexed nor pass on link equity.
  • Avoid using conflicting directives, such as “index, noindex” or “follow, nofollow,” as they can confuse search engines and lead to unintended consequences.
  • Always verify the intended impact of the Meta Robots Tag on visibility and indexation before implementation.
  • Implement the Meta Robots Tag on a per-page basis to effectively manage indexation across different sections of a website.


  • Not all search engines may obey the directives in a Meta Robots Tag, though major search engines like Google and Bing typically do.
  • The Meta Robots Tag is just one of the tools available for influencing search engine crawling and indexing. Other tools, such as the robots.txt file and canonical tags, should be used in conjunction with the Meta Robots Tag to effectively guide search engine behavior.
  • Changes in content visibility due to Meta Robots Tags can impact website traffic, keyword rankings, and overall SEO performance; therefore, careful planning and consistent monitoring of these tags are essential.

In conclusion, the Meta Robots Tag is a powerful means for guiding search engines in the handling of web content. Properly executed, it aids in shaping the indexing strategy to align with a website’s SEO goals.


What is the main purpose of the Meta Robots Tag?

The Meta Robots Tag provides search engines with directives on how to crawl or index parts of a website, influencing the visibility of web content in search engine results pages (SERPs).

How can the Meta Robots Tag be used to control search engine behavior?

By utilizing values like index, noindex, follow, nofollow, and others, the Meta Robots Tag can instruct search engine bots on whether to follow links, index a page, cache a page, or exclude it from search results.

What are the best practices for implementing the Meta Robots Tag?

Best practices include using index, follow for default behavior, avoiding conflicting directives, implementing on a per-page basis, and verifying the intended impact on visibility and indexation before deployment.

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