
Local Business Schema

Local Business Schema refers to the structured data markup that can be added to a local business’s website to provide search engines with detailed information about the business. This schema is part of the vocabulary, an initiative launched by search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo to create and support a common set of schemas for structured data markup on web pages.


  • The Local Business Schema encompasses a range of properties that describe the specifics of a local company, including:
  • Name of the business
  • Type of business or industry
  • Physical address and geographic coordinates
  • Contact details like telephone and fax numbers
  • Operating hours
  • Ratings and reviews
  • Price range
  • Menu (for restaurants)
  • Reservations (for applicable businesses)
  • Payment methods accepted


To successfully apply Local Business Schema markup, webmasters use formats such as JSON-LD, Microdata, or RDFa to provide the relevant details within the HTML of a webpage. The most recommended format by the majority of search engines is JSON-LD for its ease of use and non-intrusive integration.

Best practices:

  • Ensure accuracy: All information provided in the schema markup should be current and precise to reflect the real-world aspects of the business.
  • Be comprehensive: Include as many relevant properties as possible to give search engines the fullest understanding of the business.
  • Use nested items: If a local business has multiple departments or provides different services, use nested items in the schema to detail each one.
  • Test the markup: Utilize tools like Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool or Rich Results Test to validate the markup before and after going live.


By incorporating Local Business Schema, businesses improve their online visibility and local search presence. Search engines use this information to display rich snippets in search results, such as a knowledge panel, which can lead to:

  • Higher click-through rates
  • Better local ranking
  • Increased customer engagement
  • More accurate and accessible information for potential customers

Inclusion of Local Business Schema is a technical SEO practice that enhances the discoverability and understanding of local businesses for both search engines and potential customers, contributing significantly to a businesss online success in local markets.


How does implementing Local Business Schema benefit a local business?

By incorporating Local Business Schema, businesses improve their online visibility and local search presence. Search engines use this information to display rich snippets in search results, such as a knowledge panel, which can lead to higher click-through rates, better local ranking, increased customer engagement, and more accurate and accessible information for potential customers.

What are some best practices for implementing Local Business Schema markup?

Best practices for implementing Local Business Schema markup include ensuring accuracy by providing current and precise information, being comprehensive by including relevant properties, using nested items for businesses with multiple departments or services, and testing the markup with tools like Googles Structured Data Testing Tool before and after deployment.

What are some key components included in Local Business Schema?

Key components of Local Business Schema include the name of the business, type of business or industry, physical address and geographic coordinates, contact details, operating hours, ratings and reviews, price range, menu (for restaurants), reservations (for applicable businesses), and payment methods accepted.

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