
FAQ Schema

FAQ schema is a type of structured data markup that webmasters can apply to their webpage content to explicitly identify and convey to search engines that the content is a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section. This structured data is encoded in a format that search engines understand, typically using JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data), Microdata, or RDFa (Resource Description Framework in attributes). When implemented correctly, FAQ Schema helps search engines display rich snippets and more detailed information directly in the search results for queries relevant to the FAQ content.


Incorporating FAQ Schema involves adding specific tags to the HTML code of a webpage, which wrap around each question and answer pair. The tags you will use include “Question” for the frequently asked question and “Answer” for the response. Properties such as “acceptedAnswer” and “mainEntity” further define the structure of the FAQ data. FAQ Schema should only be applied to official FAQ pages where each question is followed by an answer, rather than any page that contains question and answer pairs.


The use of FAQ Schema has distinct benefits in SEO, including enhancing the visibility of a webpage in search results through rich results which can improve click-through rates, and providing direct answers to users’ questions in the search results, potentially increasing trust and user engagement. In addition, structured FAQ content can occupy more real estate in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages), thereby suppressing some of the organic competition on the first page of search results.

Best practices:

  1. Ensure that only legitimate FAQs are marked up with FAQ Schema.
  2. Each FAQ should have a clear and concise question, followed by an accurate and direct answer.
  3. Avoid including commercial content, such as sales or promotional offers, within your FAQ answers.
  4. Keep your FAQ content up-to-date and accurate.
  5. Test your structured data implementation with tools provided by search engines, such as Google’s Rich Results Test, to make sure it’s error-free and eligible for rich result display.


Do not use FAQ Schema on advertising content. Each question must have a corresponding answer within the same FAQ section. Misuse or incorrect application of FAQ Schema can lead to a manual action from search engines, which may affect the site’s visibility in search results. Always adhere to the guidelines provided by search engines for correct implementation.


To add FAQ Schema to a webpage, use a script tag with type “application/ld+json” in the head or body section of your HTML, and input the structured data JSON-LD following the specifications for FAQs. Alternatively, use in-line markup with Microdata or RDFa attributes if preferred. Always validate your markup with appropriate testing tools before going live to ensure compatibility with search engine guidelines.


How is FAQ Schema implemented?

FAQ Schema is implemented by adding specific tags to the HTML code of a webpage, wrapping around each question and answer pair, using formats like JSON-LD, Microdata, or RDFa to define the structured data.

What are the benefits of using FAQ Schema in SEO?

The use of FAQ Schema in SEO can enhance visibility in search results, potentially improve click-through rates with rich snippets, provide direct answers to user queries, increase trust and engagement, and occupy more space on SERPs.

What is FAQ Schema?

FAQ Schema is a structured data markup that can be applied to webpage content to identify and communicate that the content is a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section to search engines.

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