Cookie Policy

At Klikko, we aim to provide you with a good and personalized user experience when you visit our website. To achieve this, we use cookies to store relevant information about your user behavior, optimizing your future visits.

Owner Information The website is operated and owned by:
Klikko ApS
CVR no.: 35869247
Gammel Køge Landevej 55
2500 Valby Phone:
+45 44404063

What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small data file stored on your computer, tablet, or smartphone, enabling the collection of information about the pages you visit and the features on the websites you use. A cookie cannot see who you are, your name, where you live, or whether your electronic equipment is used by other people. It also cannot spread computer viruses or other harmful programs.

Purpose of cookies
Our website uses cookies. The purpose of using cookies is to ensure the website functions optimally, to optimize your user experience when you visit the website, and to gain insight into your visits to the website so we can tailor it to your interests and needs. Additionally, cookies are used to support the website’s design and to generate web statistics.

Cookies may be used by us when you visit our website, but in some cases, third parties may also use cookies.

The length of time cookies are stored on your electronic equipment varies.

You can click on cookiebot to view our complete cookie declaration. The declaration shows an overview of the cookies used on the website, the purposes of each cookie, who is behind each cookie, and the expiration date of each cookie.

If you choose to accept cookies, we will set cookies on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. The next time you visit our website with the same browser, your consent will still be valid, and you will not be asked again if you want to accept cookies.

If you choose not to accept cookies, only one cookie will be set to remember your choice. If you do not want cookies to be set at all, you must turn off cookies completely in your browser, but be aware that parts of the website may no longer work.

You can click on cookiebot to withdraw your consent or change it according to your preferences.

How to reject or delete cookies

You can always choose to reject cookies on your computer, tablet, or smartphone by changing the settings in your internet browser. If you choose to reject cookies, be aware that some of the website’s functions and services will no longer be available because they require the use of cookies.

You can also easily delete cookies on your computer that you no longer wish to have.

If you use a PC, you can delete your cookies using the shortcut keys: CTRL + SHIFT + Delete. If the shortcut keys do not work, or if you use a MAC, you can follow the link below for instructions on deleting cookies in the specific browser you use:

If you use multiple internet browsers, remember to delete cookies in all of them.

Do you have questions?
When you visit our website, we process personal data about you. You can visit the section in the footer about our policy to read more about our processing of personal data.

If you have any questions about our use of cookies, you are always welcome to contact us by email at