
Assisted Conversions

In the context of SEO, assisted conversions are instances where a particular channel contributes to a conversion earlier in the conversion path, but is not the final interaction that leads to the conversion. This concept originates from multi-channel funnel analysis and plays a critical role in understanding the full value of each channel in the conversion process.


When analyzing the effectiveness of SEO efforts, it’s crucial to look beyond last-click or direct conversions and consider the role that organic search may play earlier in the customer’s journey. Assisted conversions provide insights into how SEO and other marketing channels work together to lead a visitor towards a conversion, such as a sale or lead form submission.

To monitor assisted conversions for SEO, one would typically use an analytics platform like Google Analytics. Within the Multi-Channel Funnels section, the report can show how many sales or conversions were assisted by organic search, enabling SEO professionals to quantify the broader impact of SEO efforts.

Practical tips:

  1. Set up proper tracking: Make sure that you have set up goal tracking or e-commerce tracking in your analytics platform to measure conversions accurately.
  2. Analyze conversion paths: Review the Top Conversion Paths report in Google Analytics to see the sequences of channel interactions that lead to conversions, with particular attention to the role of organic search.
  3. Evaluate channel synergy: Use the data on assisted conversions to assess how well your SEO strategy works in conjunction with other marketing channels.
  4. Adjust attribution models: Consider using different attribution models to fairly credit SEO for its part in multi-touch conversion paths, recognizing that last-click attribution may undervalue earlier interactions.
  5. Optimize for full funnel: Use insights from assisted conversions to optimize your SEO content strategy not just for direct conversions, but also for awareness and consideration stages of the buyer’s journey.

By acknowledging assisted conversions in your SEO strategy, you appreciate the comprehensive value of organic visibility and content in driving the ultimate conversion goals. This multi-faceted approach will enable a more informed and effective optimization strategy across all stages of the customer journey.


How can I track assisted conversions for SEO?

To monitor assisted conversions for SEO, you can use analytics platforms like Google Analytics. Within the Multi-Channel Funnels section, you can access the Assisted Conversions report, which shows how organic search and other channels assist in driving conversions. Ensure that you have set up proper tracking to measure conversions accurately.

What are assisted conversions in SEO?

Assisted conversions in SEO refer to instances where a particular channel contributes to a conversion earlier in the conversion path, even though it is not the final interaction that leads to the conversion. They provide insights into the role of different marketing channels in the conversion process.

Why is it important to consider assisted conversions in SEO strategy?

Considering assisted conversions in your SEO strategy is crucial to understand the full impact of organic search on the customer journey. It helps in assessing the synergy between SEO and other marketing channels, optimizing content strategy for all stages of the funnel, and attributing credit accurately to each channels contribution in driving conversions.

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