
AA Test

An AA test, also known as an A/A test, is a type of control experiment used within the context of search engine optimization (SEO) and more broadly in the field of web analytics and conversion rate optimization (CRO). In an AA test, the same version of a webpage is shown to two different groups of users instead of showing a different version to each group as in an A/B test. The primary goal of an AA test is to check that the split testing tool being used is working correctly, ensuring that there are no significant differences in user behavior between the two groups when the same experience is presented.


The purpose of conducting an AA test in SEO is multifold:

  1. To ensure the statistical accuracy of the testing software or platform.
  2. To validate that any observed differences are purely due to chance rather than systematic errors.
  3. To establish a baseline conversion rate when no changes are made to the webpage.


An AA test should be set up just like an A/B test, but without making any changes to the page’s content or design for either group. Traffic to the website is randomly split between two identical versions of the same page. The user interaction, such as clicks, form submissions, or time spent on page, is measured and compared across both groups.

Expected outcomes:

The expected outcome of an AA test is that there should be no significant difference in user behavior between the two groups. If there is a significant difference, it may indicate a problem with the testing setup, such as issues with randomization, traffic routing, or data collection.


  1. Sample size – A sufficient number of observations are needed to draw meaningful conclusions from the test.
  2. Duration – The test should run long enough to account for variance in traffic and user behavior.
  3. Significance – Any variance detected should be statistically insignificant, confirming that the tool is calibrated correctly.

Significance in SEO:

While an AA test is not a direct ranking factor, it is essential for SEO professionals and marketers to establish the credibility of their testing processes. Since SEO involves making decisions based on the data collected from various experiments, the reliability of this data is paramount. Accurate testing can lead to more meaningful insights and informed decisions that can improve the user experience and enhance SEO performance.

Inclusion in the glossary helps SEO practitioners understand the importance of validating their tools and methodologies, which is a fundamental step in any optimization strategy.


How can an SEO professional benefit from including AA tests in their optimization strategy?

Including AA tests in an optimization strategy helps SEO professionals validate the credibility of their testing processes, leading to more meaningful insights and informed decisions that can improve user experience and enhance SEO performance.

What is the purpose of running an AA test without making any changes to the webpage?

The primary purpose of running an AA test without making changes to the webpage is to establish a baseline conversion rate and to check that there are no significant differences in user behavior between two identical versions of the page.

Why is conducting an AA test important in SEO?

Conducting an AA test in SEO is important to validate the accuracy of split testing tools, ensuring that any observed differences in user behavior are not due to systematic errors but rather by chance.

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