
3xx Redirect

A refers to the series of HTTP status codes that indicate a page or resource has been moved to another location, and that the client browser or search engine should be directed to this new location. The “3xx” series is an integral component of technical SEO, permitting webmasters to manage the redirection of users and search engines smoothly when content has been relocated or a website structure has been altered.

Types of 3xx Redirects:

There are several types of 3xx Redirects, and each serves a specific function:

  • 301 Moved Permanently: This redirect signals that a page has been permanently moved to a new location. It is the most common redirect used for SEO purposes as it transfers the majority of link equity (ranking power) to the redirected page.
  • 302 Found (Temporarily Moved): A 302 Redirect indicates that the move is temporary. It should be used when the content is expected to return to the original URL, although its often interpreted by search engines as similar to a 301 redirect.
  • 303 See Other: The 303 Redirect is a way to redirect clients to a new URL for resources that should be retrieved with a different method (like GET) than the one used for the initial request.
  • 307 Temporary Redirect: Similar to 302 but with strict adherence to the original request method, a 307 Redirect ensures that the method and body are not changed when the client issues the new request.
  • 308 Permanent Redirect: Much like a 301 Redirect, but with the stipulation that the method and body must not be changed in the new request. This is a newer redirect type and ensures that POST requests and other http methods are consistently maintained.


The proper implementation of 3xx Redirects is critical to preserve search engine rankings and to provide a user-friendly experience on a website. A 301 Redirect should be used when old pages are replaced with new ones, during domain migrations, or when consolidating duplicate content. For temporary content changes or when a site is under maintenance, a 302, 307, or 303 Redirect might be more appropriate.

SEO impact:

When executed correctly, 3xx Redirects can maintain or even improve SEO performance. Incorrect usage might lead to loss of traffic and ranking positions. For example, using a 302 Redirect when a 301 is appropriate could dilute link equity because search engines may not pass on the full ranking power to the new page. It is essential to monitor and update redirects regularly to ensure they are functioning as intended, as excessive or improper redirects can slow page load times and negatively impact user experience and search engine crawling efficiency.

Best practices:

1. Use 301 Redirects for permanent changes to ensure search engine ranking signals are passed to the new URL.

2. Reserve 302 Redirects for temporary content relocations until the content or resource returns to its original URL.

3. Reduce redirect chains by ensuring that redirects go directly to the final URL rather than through multiple steps.

4. Continually audit redirects as part of site maintenance to remove unnecessary or outdated redirects to enhance site performance.


When should I use a 301 redirect?

A 301 redirect should be used when you have permanently moved a page to a new URL. This ensures that SEO value is passed from the old URL to the new one.

What is the difference between a 302 redirect and a 307 redirect?

A 302 redirect is a temporary redirect, whereas a 307 redirect also indicates a temporary move but ensures that the method and body of the original request are not changed.

How can I avoid negative SEO impacts from redirects?

To avoid negative SEO impacts, use redirects sparingly and avoid redirect chains that can slow down page load times. Monitor redirects regularly to fix any broken or improper ones.

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