
1xx Informational

In the realm of HTTP status codes, the “1xx” or “class of status codes” encompasses a range of responses that indicate provisional, interim messages from the server to the client. These are part of the initial stage in the request-response cycle where the server acknowledges that the request has been received and is being processed.

Impact on SEO:

While 1xx status codes are primarily for communication between servers and clients, they generally have little direct impact on search engine optimization (SEO). Search engines like Google often do not directly interact with these types of responses, as they are designed for communication within the network before a final status code is sent.


Understanding 1xx status codes is relevant for technical SEO as it contributes to a deeper knowledge of the server-client interactions and network communications that could indirectly affect website performance and user experience. SEO professionals should be aware that although these codes are not directly related to SEO, prolonged or improper use could potentially cause delays in page loading or indexing issues if they inadvertently interfere with the response delivery to search engine crawlers.

The commonly encountered codes within this series include:

100 Continue: This response indicates that the initial part of the request has been received and that the client should continue with the rest of the request or ignore the response if the request has been fulfilled.

101 Switching Protocols: Sent by a server agreeing to switch protocols as requested by a client which sent the message including an “Upgrade” request header.

Tips for application:

1. Continuous monitoring: Regularly monitor server logs to ensure that 1xx informational responses are not causing any unexpected behavior or delays in communication with clients, including search engine crawlers.

2. Server configuration: Ensure that your web server is properly configured to handle 1xx responses efficiently, to maintain optimal communication speeds and server performance.

3. Communication with web developers: SEO specialists should communicate with web developers to ascertain that 1xx status codes are being utilized correctly and do not impede the user experience or search engine crawling and indexing.

In conclusion, while 1xx Informational status codes are not a direct concern in SEO strategies, understanding their function and implications is part of the comprehensive knowledge base of an experienced technical SEO professional.


Are 1xx Informational status codes directly related to SEO performance?

No, 1xx Informational status codes are primarily for server-client communication and have minimal direct impact on search engine optimization (SEO).

How can improper handling of 1xx Informational status codes affect SEO?

Improper handling of 1xx status codes could potentially cause delays in page loading, indexing issues, or impact user experience if they inadvertently interfere with the response delivery to search engine crawlers.

Why is it important for SEO professionals to understand 1xx status codes?

Understanding 1xx status codes is relevant for technical SEO as it contributes to a deeper knowledge of server-client interactions and network communications that could indirectly affect website performance and user experience.
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